Jardim das Gorgónias

Jardim das Gorgónias
Jardim das Gorgónias
Jardim das Gorgónias
Jardim das Gorgónias
Jardim das Gorgónias
Jardim das Gorgónias
Jardim das Gorgónias
Jardim das Gorgónias
Jardim das Gorgónias
Dive Type
Dive Site
What you will see
Flora, Rock Formations, Sea Life
Average Depth: 14mts
Maximum Depth: 16mts
Water Temperature: 13ºC-20ºC
This spot is one of the most popular in the area, only because of its easy orientation and the diversity of life.
In the descent, we are accompanied by a group of Seabreams that seems to guide us to their territory. Reaching the bottom, 15.5mts in front of us is the main rock, we can see on the rock floor some soft corals and gorgonians. If you look carefully you will see some fish that lurk among the corals or are simply sleeping. This rock has several holes and cracks, each one is full of life: Forkbeard fish, Octopuses, Moray, not to mention the diversity of sponges, anemones, algae and lots of sea stars in different colours.
Here we can also find a huge variety of nudibranchs, so, if you are a fan, the camera is indispensable! The best time is between April and September, although some species are all year round.
The most common course is to have the rock on our left side and round it, taking into account that the North side of the rock is less deep and we can make a long dive. When following this course it is possible to see Cuttlefish, Pipefish, white Seabream, and several species of corals soft and hard, mixed with schools of fish. If we observe carefully we can see some Zeus Faber, thinking they are disguised...
Take into account that when rounding the rock on our right side there is a large sand area. Look steadily for hiding Flounders, Stingrays, and other creatures.
Once the dive has ended it is guaranteed that the Seabreams will be escorting you halfway to the surface. Once again we advise keeping the camera ON and ready!
-- Spot description by Ana Ferreira
-- Photos by: Albano Mesquita, Miguel Miranda, and Pedro Bernardo.