
River Popa
River Gurara MV was a Nigerian cargo motor vessel that sank on 26th February 1989
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2000 ton Italian steam sunk in 1902. This wreck is the easiest dive in the Berlengas. Its privileged location allows us to dive there
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Fragata Comandante Hermenegildo Capelo
The “Comandante Hermenegildo Capelo Frigate" is the second frigate in a group of four ships
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U Boat - 1277 is a WWII shipwreck. She was a German submarine Type VIIC/41
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The Madeirense shipwreck, resting peacefully on the ocean floor, offers a glimpse into maritime history.
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Corveta Pereira D' Eça
Corveta Pereira D'Eça shipwreck presents a different kind of underwater spectacle.
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River Proa
River Gurara MV was a Nigerian cargo motor vessel that sank on 26th February 1989
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Corveta Oliveira e Carmo
Launched on 5th February 1975 and retired on 1999. Equipped for anti-submarine combat,
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Navio Hidrográfico Almeida e Carvalho
The Ship was acquired by Portugal and incorporated into the fleet of the Armed Forces on 21st January 1972. It entered Lisbon for the first time
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Henry Mori
Henry Mori is among the wrecks of the Shipwreck Cemetary, in the Farilhões. It is badly dismantled, but
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Roberto Ivens
The Roberto Ivens minesweeper is an old trawler requisitioned by the Portuguese Navy
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Corveta Afonso Cerqueira
The Corvette Afonso Cerqueira, after Madeirense, a merchant navy ship that linked the islands of the archipelago, and Corvette General Pereira D'Eça, (spot “Cordeca”, here in Portugal Dive website),
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"Dori", a 130mts long ship, participated in the military Operation Overlord. Rests at about 20mts of depth on a sandy bottom and is one of the most popular spots in the Azores.
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Barcaça "Maria Grécia"
Barge "Maria Grécia" sank in 1985 when giving aid in the works of the new pontoon of the harbor. Its very damaged and divided into 2 parts,
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Barco das Telhas
Shipwreck of a small transport vessel. Its cargo was constituted by tiles remains.
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Sand Dredger that sank on 25th March of 1996 while doing some routine manoeuvres. The boat broke in half and sank to a depth of 32mts.
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Vapor do Trigo
Located in a sheltered spot near the UNESCO Nature Reserve of the Berlengas Islands,
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Rebocador do Farol
Tugboat sunk about 50 years ago, with 20mts of lenght, on a sandy bottom.
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This reef is located North of the Berlengas. It is a very dangerous place to navigate, but it is fantastic for diving.
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Pontão 16
Known as Pontoon 16, this structure 40mts long and 17mts wide is a barge that was intentionally sunk
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The SS Dago is at a depth of 50mts, about 3 miles offshore. The SS Dago was a 290-foot-long British steam freighter
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Patrulha Zambeze
Launched on 31st October 1971 and retired in September 2003.
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Batelão do Burgau
Small barge sunk in 1980, lies entire and bottomed at 6 mts of depth. We can observe several species namely Blenny, Cuttlefish, Goby,
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SS Empire Warrior
British Steam Freighter that was sunk on 19th June 1941 by German bombers,
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Grua do Titan
Crane of the Barge that shipwrecked while placing blocks for the artificial reef.
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Wilhelm Krag
Norwegian Freighter that sank in 1917. It had no cargo and was on its way to
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A Norwegian steam shipwrecked in 1917 during World War I by the German submarine U35.
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Here we find a boiler belonging to a fishing boat. The bottom is sandy
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Remains of a Yacht that sunk off the coast of Quarteira.
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B-24 Liberator
The wreck of an American bomber lies at a depth of 20mts. The bomber fell and sank in 1943 with 11 people on board and only 5 were saved.
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Arrastão IPIMAR
A trawler of iron that was sunk in 1995 with the aim of creating an artificial reef. The ship is still whole, has been cleaned and its interior emptied.
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Faro A
Presumed seventeenth-century ship, which identity is still unknown. It was sunk in front of Faro and discovered by two Algarvian divers
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Barcaça da Piedade
Barge with 4 propellers that lies upside down on a sand bottom.
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Admiralship of the French fleet with about 60mts length, sunk in 1759 during the battle of Lagos.
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A Barge that sank when it was loading big stone blocks
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Greek freighter that sank in 1937 while looking for shelter during a storm near land.
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Danish ship sunk during the 1st World War by a German submarine.
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Rebocador da Percebeira
Small shipwreck of an iron ship half-buried in the sand, near a stone wall.
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Just a short boat ride outside of the harbor is the dive site Batelão and the dive starts out on a small wreck
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The "Brenha" was a trawl fishing vessel. Built-in 1969, it was 32 meters long, 7.22 meters wide and 3.55 meters high.
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Batelão Cantanhede
The Barge, by its real name "Cantanhede", was part of a composition of three vessels, two barges,
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Silver Valley
Liberian ship "Silver Valley" stranded and split in two
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Draga da Madalena
The wreck "Draga da Madalena" is split into two large sections where it is easy to navigate and swim trough.
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Terceirense Wreck
The Terceirense was a 40m cargo ship that transported goods to Graciosa and other islands. In 1968 the ship struck a rock in bad weather and sank, no lives were lost. Sitting at a perfect dive depth, the wreck lays about 20m to the sand and is broken up into two main pieces, with flattened remains in between. I jumped in with my dive guide, Carlos, and protected by the nearby harbor, conditions were calm and there was no swell like on the previous dive. Met with crystal clear conditions, I could see the stern from the moment we put our heads underwater. We were soon joined by a group of amberjack that stayed with us the entire dive. Heading towards the well-intact stern section, I could see the prominent propeller as we made our way around. The shallowest point of the wreck was around 12m and I examined the top of the hull with pretty purple marine algae growing on it and scorpionfish hiding with fish darting around. An eel poked its head out from one section of the ship and we moved towards the bow, over wreckage closer to the seafloor and did a lap around, observing more small fish and the ever-present amberjacks. I slowed down and noticed several large yellow and orange tub worms that looked feather-like, swaying in the water movement. I also saw a dusky grouper partly concealed within the wreck and just his head sticking out. I managed to get two shots before he spooked and swam away. A few eels were playing the same game, with their tails backed into pipes of the ship and just their heads peeking out at me. I found a few nudibranchs and many small, colorful wrasse swimming over the hull of the ship. There were bristle worms and scorpionfish. On the seafloor were several flounders that blended perfectly with the sand. --Spot description: Brandi Mueller --Spot photos: Albano Mesquita, Brandi Mueller and Rui Guerra
In the mid-90s, the search for the identity of this wreck began.
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The Barge
Shipwreck located off the Restinga do Cabedelo, mouth of the Douro River.
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SS Kassamba
Cargo vessel from Angola built in 1977. She was 136m long and 8.374 tons gross.
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British packet-boat, built in 1906, displaced 7.063 tons and was owned by Lamport & Holt Line. She sailed from Liverpool, stopped in Vigo (Spain)
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Jacob Maersk
Danish oil tanker built in 1966 and owned by Maerskline Navigation Company. On January 29th, 1975, around 1pm, when on manoeuvres to moor on tanker's Terminal A at Leixões harbour,
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This shipwreck is surrounded by mysteries as to the cause of its accident
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Santo André
Steam of the century XIX which origin and causes of shipwreck
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Ruy Barbosa Wreck
This ship was a Brazilian packet-boat built-in 1913, 11.780 tons gross and 149m long, was owned by Lloyd Brasileiro Navigation Company and had a capacity for 650 persons.
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Dive located at the tip of Ponta de São Lourenço, right next to the lighthouse.
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Greek freighter that sank in 1932, with wreckage up to 32 meters.
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This easy and shallow dive is excellent for less experienced divers and is perfect for beginners and snorkellers.
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Agios Nikolaus
Agius Nikolaus is a shipwreck, that was sunk in 1964. One of the largest shipwrecks that you can dive in Peniche.
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Highland Hope wreck
The English steamer Highland Hope, belonging to the Nelson Line company, was a 14,000-ton ship that ran aground on the cliffs of Farilhão Grande, north of Berlengas, in an area known as Bailadeira, with 550 people on board.
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Rio Grande wreck
SS Riogrande was stranded on the Burlings in fog off the coast of Portugal, broke in two, and sank the next day,
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